Pleasant surprise

Glenn Submitted this review about Specialty Mobile Systems
Review made Live: 7/7/2004 5:19:00 PM
After reading reviews on this site and others I was regretting my decision to ship the car rather than driving it cross country. Specialty Mobile Systems had all good evaluations, but the site says to beware if it looks too good to be true. I finalized arrangements with SMS late on a Monday. On Tuesday afternoon I got a call from SMS telling me to expect a call scheduling a pickup the next day, for pickup on Thursday. No call throughout the day, then a late call from SMS indicating a pickup would be scheduled 5-6 days later. This representative seemed surprised we had had a previous call, but promised to check it out. The next morning I called SMS, and discovered that the 1st company that claimed our job had not signed their paperwork, but that the issue was resolved, and the original transporter would be calling me. A short while later I got a call from the transporter, blaming SMS for the delay, and asking if it would be OK for them to drive the carr 300 miles to their base before loading it on a truck. I declined. They said my refusal would delay delivery, but I held firm, and told them to work it out with SMS. I now expected several days to pass before I heard from anybody, especially since the 4th of July was approaching. Late Thursday afternoon we got another call from the 1st transport company asking how early the next morning they could pick up the car. We told them 7:30. At 7:00 we got a call from the driver indicating he was just pulling into our small town and wanted to arrange a pickup spot. He told me his plan was to leave the West on Sunday, so we figured the car might be delivered to an East Coast destination by Friday. Instead our daughter received a call on Monday indicating the driver planned to make the delivery the next day and wondered when she would be available. She indicated she was tied up until 4:30. The driver called at almost exactly 4:30 to say he was about 15 miles away. Delivery was uneventful, and the car was undamaged. We were relieved and greatful for the quality transporters SMS uses. This was a totally unsolicited review.