1937 Graham Custom 120 Supercharger parts car

Edwin O Finch Submitted this review about Ship a Car Direct
Review made Live: 1/4/2015 12:55:00 PM
seller did not have car tires ready to roll, so pickup had to be scheduled with another carrier a few days later. The final, selected carrier did a good job of bringing the car from California to North Carolina. He advised me upon arrival in NC, but I agreed to allow him to deliver two other cars before unloading mine, as my car was the "first on" towards the front of his rig, and required the removal of the other two before my car could be rolled off. This delayed the delivery one day, but was not important in my case. - - I would use both the transporter agent and the carrier again. They are AOK.

Cost were $175 paid to transporter agent and $875 paid carrier on delivery, or total of $1050. - - - with $30 promised rebate, out of pocket will be $1020.