Repeat Satisfied Customer

Shane Submitted this review about Ship a Car Direct
Review made Live: 6/5/2013 2:44:00 AM
Can't say enough about this company. I went into this process with a lot of skepticism about the honesty and integrity of elements such as professionalism, pricing and timeliness. I was so impressed the first time around that I shipped our second car about a month later with the same company. Again National Transportation were the shipper. This time the delivery time was even faster than the time before. The driver was great at telling me where he was and what he had on his plate for that day. This allowed me to schedule my time around the delivery and he arrived right on the time he told me. I know this could sound forced, but almost everything I have done with this company has been exactly as I would want it. The only slight criticism I would say this time around was that I tried to circumvent the central call in number by reaching back out to my previous agent on email. I didn't get contacted after 24 hours so I called into the central number and got another agent straight away. The next day, my previous agent reached out to me directly and apologized for being out and he immediately took over the job. I see this as my fault as much as theirs. I should have called into the central number from the beginning. I would recommend this company to anyone shipping a vehicle.