Great Service! Very happy we found this company

Brian Submitted this review about Ship a Car Direct
Review made Live: 7/13/2012 9:29:00 PM
I was really impressed this carrier was able to get my car from San Diego all the way to the boonies of West Virginia so quickly. They picked it up on Monday and got it to WV by Saturday, despite the major storms sweeping the midwest. My car came back super dirty but the transporter took the car for a wash before he handed it over to me which was very much appreciated. Thanks again!

Company Response
Michael Strickland from Ship a Car Direct Submitted this response.
Response Date: 7/20/2012 3:25:00 PM
Thanks for the great feedback, Brian! Glad we found a speedy match for you! Please contact me again for any future car moves. 866-221-1664