Moving my sedan from Long Beach, CA to Tucson, AZ

Lynn Gagliano Submitted this review about Ship a Car Direct
Review made Live: 7/28/2011 3:46:00 AM
My sister in law recommended Honesty First to me, having just used them herself a few weeks ago. I really didn't know where to start in arranging for reliable transportation of my vehicle from the Long Beach, CA port to Tucson, AZ.

Setting up the order was very easy. We had relied on an arrival time from Matson. The actual arrival into Long Beach was a full six days early. When I called Honesty First to ask them if they could move up the pick up time, they told me they would see what they could do. Less than 24 hours later, a driver was assigned to the vehicle. About 28 hours after that, our family member was meeting the driver in Tucson.

We couldn't be more pleased with how smoothly the entire process went. The customer service was excellent, and the car arrived safely and in great shape.