Tim you are HEAVEN SENT!!!!

SF Submitted this review about Seamless Auto Transport
Review made Live: 6/17/2013 10:11:00 PM
After contracting to have my car shipped with the biggest scam artist around (United Reliable Auto Carriers) and finding out 3 days before my car was scheduled to be picked up that my driver did not do my route I was a complete wreck. I called Tim only to find out that the carrier that I signed a contract with listed my car to be picked up at $250 MORE than what I signed the contract for. At that point Tim went ABOVE AND BEYOND for me. He made me privy to some information that only carriers could see (which enabled me to fight my contract with that carrier based on a breach of contract). Tim even went so far as to list my car at a higher price which would allow my pickup to be more desirable than what the original carrier listed my price for.

Overall, I ended up paying Tim $175 more than I agreed to pay originally (with the first carrier) but in a situation where I was dealing with a total nightmare with "United Reliable Auto Carriers" Tim literally took all my stress away with his AMAZING customer service and inside knowledge that he gave me. Looking back, I went with the first carrier because he was $75 cheaper but people please save yourself the unnecessary headache of looking for the lower price. You truly do get what you pay for. Even with all of my stress from the initial carrier my car arrived to my destination before I did. I called Tim early one morning and I had an amazing driver 2 days later. I can't thank you enough!!! Thank you for being true to your customers and providing invaluable customer service!!!!