Submitted this review about Rhino Transporter Inc. Review made Live: 6/22/2012 11:09:00 AM
Auto shipping is a very stressful thing to go through. I got numerous quotes, but when I went to research these companies many had horrible reviews. I got a vast range of prices, but Josh at Rhino Transporter gave me the most decent one. Then it became clear that those larger companies had multiple brokers working for them, with everyone trying to get a higher commission.
Josh is very good at his job, if I am to ship a car again I would definitely choose his service over again. He answered all the questions I had for him. Once I gave him the ok, he called me less than 2 hours later with a driver ready to pick up my car in the same week. The driver from Downstate auto called me a day later and arranged to pick up my car. He picked up my car earlier than what I expected but thankfully I had someone already at the destination site that could sign for me.
My car arrived in good condition. It was dirty but that is reasonable given it was an open transport.
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