Submitted this review about Quick Auto Transport Review made Live: 12/28/2009 12:17:00 PM
Found Quick Auto Transprots on the internet. After several quotes from other companies I decided to use them as they where the lowest price. Even though the website said they accepted credit cards I had to lock in my rate of $450 by electronic check. I paid the money and have not been able to contact anyone since. I bought the car as a Christmas present and now am trying to explain to the seller that I am for real and that I was scammed. The seller is now thinking twice about selling me the car and I come out looking like the bad guy. The phone numbers and the website are not working and I can only go to the bank and plead my case to them and see if they wil take up my cause. If not I would have to file a small claims case with the state that they operate out of. If anyone wants to join forces and see that these people are punished please count me in.
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