Professional Team - GOOD JOB!

Jessica Submitted this review about Professional Moving Solutions
Review made Live: 10/4/2011 1:51:00 PM
I was apprehensive after hearing a few horror stories throught the years. However, this was my first experience and I wanted to make sure I had the right carrier so, I read the online reviews. Professional Moving Solutions and another carrier were identical in price so it was a difficult choice even after reading the online reviews. There were mostly good reviews on both companies and a couple of negative as you will find in any profession. I chose the other one but during the contract process there were just too many mistakes with the pick-up location and the contact phone number being wrong. Althoug it might seem insignificant, it is a disaster when you are waiting and a driver is calling the wrong number and you are looking for your car to arrive. So, I cancelled the first carrier. I then called Jason at Professional who had seemed very professional even wehn I had called to tell him we were going with the other company. He just said he was sorry to har that but call them back if we ever need a carrier in the future. When I called, he never criticized the other company. He just got to work on my vehicle. I couldn't have been happier with Jason, Professional Movers, or Tom Crass, the driver of the auto transport truck. I would certainly recommend them to anyone and will call them in the future if I need a vehicle transported with care and customer service. Jessica