Company Response
Lee Paolino from
Premier Auto Shippers Submitted this response.
Response Date: 11/30/2011 11:48:00 AM
I apologize to Jason for the trouble we went through for getting this vehicle picked up. When he set up the order we stressed to him the difficulty we would have in getting a driver to Klamath Falls, OR due to the fact it was so far from any major highway. That being said, we were STILL able to find him a driver. Unfortunately, the driver cancelled due to a mechanical failure on his truck. When I explained this to Jason he laughed uncontrollably and hung up on us. The best part of this review is the fact that Jason edited the "order placed" email from Steve. In no way, shape, or form has any of our emails from any of our reps said that we guarantee an exact date for pickup. Jason's second lie was that our manager cursed at him saying we don't care about his money. If for any reason our company does not come through with our end of the contract, we instantly refund our customers. I again apologize to Jason for the inconvenience, but I think this review has lie after lie in it and should not even be on this site.