Nichole Collier
Submitted this review about Passage Auto Transport Review made Live: 1/21/2015 2:18:00 PM
OMG!!! I called mike at a time I was so stressed out,relocating my mother across the country. On top of that I had my three year old to deal with. Honestly I am not the type of person who sits down an writes much of anything, typical Gemini. I got to tell you mike is a saint he saw how stressed out I was and helped me and my family so much. I'm telling you there are a lot of sharks in the transportation industry an Mike not one of if them. Mike is a good man I thank God for him without him I would have never made it. Trust me all I no how no how to do is shoot from the hip an tell the truth. If your looking to transport Mike is your guy. We will forever be greatful Mike. Lots of Love ❤ Nichole an Family.
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