
Bill Mercer Submitted this review about Olson Auto Express
Review made Live: 8/9/2011 4:34:00 PM
Although very helpful and thorough , I was not warned they would be closed for a week prior to my booking time. Thus, I wasn't able to book my pickup until 3 days later than planned. Booked for Aug 4, my pickup did not occur until late day Aug. 5. Expected delivery late Aug.8, but turned out to be early Aug. 9. Car in fine condition and unloaded without commplication.
Everyone was helpful and friendly and the only disappointment was the loss of a couple of days. This did result in the need for a rental car for a few extra days.

Company Response
Carroll Olson from Olson Auto Express Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/9/2011 5:04:00 PM
We gladly received your order on July 21 and informed you that if we could get a carrier to actually pick up your car on Aug 1 (your required pickup date) we would do our best. We also explained that our office would be closed July 23 thru July 30 and also made this known at our website. For clarification, when an order is PLACED with our company, that does NOT mean it is BOOKED. The term booked is used when an actual carrier is available and contracted with to load and deliver a vehicle. Although we were closed from July 23 thru July 30 we were still available to any of our partners had they wanted to contract with us to transport your vehicle. Unfortunately none were ready to load until Aug 4 and they were delayed by one day. Unfortunately delays can and will occur. We never leave our customers in the dark and we are always a phone call away.