Got my car

Keith Submitted this review about OK Auto Carrier
Review made Live: 11/10/2013 7:57:00 PM
I was contracted to use OK Auto Carrier to ship a Cobra replica cross country by way of my broker, TransAuto Transport. OK did a great job despite their "OK" name! TransAuto Transport, I don't have much good to say about, other than they did get the car shipped after many emails, phone calls, and corrections.

OK picked the car up on time, delivered it on time, in the same condition it left the seller, per the conditions of the contract. The driver was courteous and friendly, dropping the car off in my driveway after having to park a short distance away on the side of the road. I did not expect the car to be shipped in a soft-sided trailer, but I do not blame the carrier for that. The driver did cover my open-top car with a cover to protect the interior, which was a nice plus. The outside arrived covered in dusty dirt.

The only issue I had was that OK was supposed to call 24-48 hours prior to pickup and delivery. The driver called my seller an hour before the pickup to say he was on his way, and called me about two hours before delivery to say he was going to be here and needed cash or a cashier's check. It ended up working out, but could have been an issue if both the seller and I did not happen to be off work those days.