Submitted this review about Nex-Day Auto Transport Review made Live: 8/2/2011 10:41:00 PM
update nex day
the 164 avenida granada, san clemente ca,92672
address is good, went there and found chris nadler( bobbys stepbrother) and new buisness letterhead reliable auto trasnsport 949-481-6016. The 164 avenida granada is located in san clemente, The building is a two story and the office is upstairs in the back the first glass door if you go up the stairs from the street. No name, no number on anything . Told chris we have court on the 2nd and tell bobby not to be late.
Also went by
bobbys mcgees house 104 calle patricia apt91c, san clemente,
bobbys would not answer the door, his yellow ford f350 dually was parked on the street, If your still owed money from nex day you should start with these two, they are both listd as owners of
nex day and now starting again
under the name reliable auto transport 949-481-6016 in san clemente ca, hope that helps get your $$$$
numbers I have that may or may not work are 818-822-9498. For all of those who have contacted me , I hope this info helps in your getting the $$$$ owed to your from Nex Day and Bobby Mcgee
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