Auto Transport Nightmare
Submitted this review about
New Way Moving Services
Review made Live: 5/25/2010 12:49:00 PM
I contracted with New Way Moving Services on March 2, 2010 for my 1995 Ford Van to be transported to Texas from Florida on April 30, 2010. The cost was quoted at $575.00. I made a deposit of $150 with balance of $425.00 to be paid at delivery. As the moving date approached I contacted New Way to see if everything was on schedule, they kept assuring me it was. Well, the moving day arrived, and no one came to pick up my van. We had vacated the house we were in so we left to come to Texas. Before leaving, I took my van over to my sons house for them to pick up the van on April 30, 2010. To make a long story short, 21 days came and went BEFORE my van was picked up for delivery. After MANY phone calls to New Way Moving Services, getting absoultly NO WHERE with dispatcher Yeinly. She kept saying she could not find anyone who was going to Texas- -can you imagine that- -NO ONE. Finanlly, I called again, and Yeinly was out sick, so I spoke with Rachel. She had an attitude, but so did I by this time, however, she did find someone to deliver my van to Texas. My van was picked up at my sons house in Florida at midnight, May 22, 2010 and delivered in Texas on a Walmart parking lot on May 24, 2010 at 11:30pm. The transport person said I owed, $500.00- -I said no sir, I owe exactly $425.00. I had a cashier check already made out. I told him I had paid upfront $150 to New Way Moving Moving and only owed the balance of $425.00. He tried to call someone, but due to the late hour was unable to reach anyone. He wrote on my invoice, Customer states she paid broker $150, I am collecting balance of $425.00 I would NOT reccomend anyone using New Way Moving Services. They did not keep their word, about delivery of vehicle within 7 day window of scheduled date. They were short and rude on telephone and always passed the buck to someone else.