7950 NW 53rd Street #337
Miami FL, 33166
How long does it take to transport my vehicle? What is a typical pick up and delivery time frame?
How long it takes to ship a car depends on a few factors. The most common is of course distance. Carriers drive anywhere from 300-500 miles per day. The variation will be determined by the compexity of the route, weather conditions, required rests periods, and safety.
Below is an example:
Miles to/from | Days Until Delivery |
0-400 | 1 Day |
401-550 | 1-2 Days |
551-1100 | 2-3 Days |
1001-1500 | 3-4 Days |
1501-2000 | 4-6 Days |
2001-2500 | 6-8 Days |
2501+ | 7-10 Days |
For more details, fee free to visit our page on how long it takes.
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