You are the Best!!!

LEO GUTIEEREZ Submitted this review about National Auto Shipping
Review made Live: 10/5/2008 10:09:00 AM
This is just a review to thank National Auto Shipping staff, after going to 3 diferent companies to transport my van from CALIFORNIA to Florida, i finnally spoke with my mover, explained to him my situation. He highly recoomend Manny with NAS. when i called them manny told me what i wanted to hear and the correct price. i paid them extra $253.00 but got my van delivered in 5 days instead of 10-14 days all these broker's where giving me.

i prommissed National auto Shipping a review like i did with the other 3 unreliable company i went to. Thanks Manny and National Auto Shipping.
best regards, Thanks! CJ