damage in transport.

Jeff Submitted this review about NAO Auto
Review made Live: 6/26/2009 12:15:00 PM
My vehicle was shipped from Minnesota to Washington in January 2009. The driver seemed to do a very thorough check in of the vehicle when it was picked up. The bill of lading was filled out with even extremely small scratches noted on the forms. I was not able to be in MN, as I was purchasing the car from MN , and having it shipped to WA.
When the driver showed up with the car, it was supposed to be brought to my place of work. It was not. I had to agree to ride my bike a few miles up the road to meet the driver, since they were picking up another car, and did not have room for mine once they took it off and replaced it with the car they were picking up.
The car was exceptionally dirty, and I had assumed that they would have cleaned off the car with a pressure washer to remove the accumulated grime from the trip. They did not. I was unable to do a proper delivery inspection at that time, since it was dusk and the car was filthy, and informed the driver as such. I documented the damages both before and after cleaning, and noted the discrepancies against the bill of lading filled out by the driver on pickup.
I filed my claim with NAOAuto according to their guidelines, sending in the photos and claim form within the time frame specified on the bill of lading. They have made excuses and tried to claim the damage was pre-existing. If the damage was there when they picked it up, why was it not on the bill of lading that your driver filled out?
I contacted their insurance company directly, and filed the claim with them, after NAO would not return my calls, and if I did get through, was put on hold for extended lengths of time. They resolved the claim quickly, and after their investigation of the claim, found NAO was indeed liable for the damages. They sent me a check for the amount of the damages above the $1000 deductible that NAO is responsible to pay for.
NAOAuto still refuses to pay the $1000 deductible that is owed to me, and this has been ongoing for several weeks. I call, they tell me I'm not capable of understanding why I'm not entitled to the money, and tell me to take it up with the insurance company. Or, I'm told the owner (Tim) is out of the office, and he'll call me back. I've never gotten a call from Tim, even after leaving several messages.
The office staff has always been polite with me on the phone, but I feel that the company is run by people that are less than honest. I've been dealing with this for 6 months, and still have no resolution.