1954 Chevy transport

Brian W Submitted this review about Motor Movers Auto Transport
Review made Live: 6/19/2013 3:42:00 PM
Mary was very helpful from the begining in explaining how this worked. She really encouraged me to do my homework before choosing a company and that showed me she had nothing to hide and was confident in her company. Great experience, would definitely use again!

Company Response
Motor Movers Representative from Motor Movers Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 6/20/2013 12:50:00 PM
MARY WINFIELD 480-428-1265 mwinfield@motormoversautotransport.com Brian thank you so much for the review. I greatly appreciate your kind words and I am happy that your transport went smooth. We strive to make sure everything goes well and that our customers are happy with the whole transport. You were a pleasure to work with and I look forward to doing business in the future. Thank you, Mary Winfield