Montway Auto Transport and Steve Gaal Trucking

Mary Linehan Submitted this review about Montway Auto Transport
Review made Live: 12/9/2013 9:43:00 PM
I did not have any experience with having a car transported across the country but Steve Gaal Trucking made the whole experience so easy. He was prompt in picking up the car and telephoned several hours before arriving in Marysville to give me his schedule. He took time to explain the delivery times and gave an estimate for arriving in California. We had both heard about some bad weather in the western states
so I thought it was very possible he would be delayed. Much to my surprise he arrived a day early which was on a Sunday. My son mentioned how careful he was when he unloaded the car and looked it over to make sure it had no damage. The condition of the car was excellent and we were extremely happy with the whole process. I would highly recommend Montway Auto Transport and Steve Gaal Trucking to anyone needing a transporting service. There were no hidden costs and vehicles are insured. Montway not only has many satisfied customers but was given an "A" rating by the Better Business Bureau.