Submitted this review about Monster Transport Review made Live: 12/9/2003 7:38:00 AM
Don't waste your time with this Monster Transport ! This guy doesn't honor his own contract ! Hired Monster to move a running 1979 Scout II parts vehicle , from Ohio to Arizona. Sent a fax describing the condition of the Scout as a parts vehicle. Explained that I was in no hurry to get it . Monster came in at $675. Sent Monster a $75 deposit. After the carrier picked up the Scout (Drove the Scout on the trailer!) I received a call from Monster wanting an additional $250 or the driver was going to abandon the Scout. (On the Monster contract the none operable vehicle charge is $200 not $250 .) The driver was claiming the Scout doesn't run , one tire won't hold air for more then a couple hours and the doors wont stay closed. If it doesn't run how did he drive it on the trailer ? When the Scout finally arrived , I paid the driver the remainder of money + $250. The Scout started on the first try ! 12 hours later the tire that was suppose not to hold air , still is.
P.S. - Jason Anger management may help you " TO STOP YELLING AT YOUR CUSTOMERS " !!!
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