Submitted this review about Mobile Transport Inc. Review made Live: 1/19/2012 2:16:00 PM
My car was picked up on time, which is the only positive part of this experience. I was told it would take 7-10 days until my car would arrive in Virginia. On the 7th day I called to get a status update, as I had not heard ANYTHING since they picked up my car. I never heard back from them. The broker I used was able to get in touch with them. Mobile Transport told them that the car would be delivered on January 4th. On January 3rd I still hadn't heard anything directly from Mobile Transport. I called them and was told that they would be able to deliver the car on the 5th. I told them that since the car was so late and I had already started my new job they would have to agree to meet me after work. The person I spoke to assured me this would be no problem. On the 4th I received a message saying that the driver would deliver the car on the 5th and that I should call to set up the time. Expecting them to agree to an evening (after work) delivery, I was frustrated to learn that the delivery window was 6-10 AM with no flexibility. Since my new job starts at 8, I was very concerned. I expressed this to the person on the phone, who told me that if I was not able to pick up the car or have a designee sign for it (I just moved here and don't know anyone) that the car would be stored in a facility and that they wouldn't even tell me the location of the storage facility until they received a check from me in the mail. The driver called and I was able to pick up the car at 5 am on the 5th. The car was in fine shape in appearance, although very dirty. Later I discovered that the horn does not work and items had been stolen from the car. I called Mobile Transport to ask if they disabled the horn for some reason and could they tell me how to restore it, still haven't heard back and never expect to.
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