282 Division Ave
Hicksville NY, 11801
There are many factors that go into quoting your shipment. Below we have listed a few factors that go will reflect in your quote.
1) Vehicle Type: Depending on the vehicle you are shipping will reflect on the price. Vehicles that are larger and way more will obviously be a little higher in price.
2) Vehicle Modifications: Modifications such as lift kits and raised suspensions will reflect in your price.
3) Time of Year: The season will absolutely play a role in determining your price. The spring & summer tend to be the busy and you are competing with other customers for truck space. This will drive up costs. During the winter, less people are shipping vehicles & carriers are looking to fill up "deadhead". You are more likely able to ship your vehicle for less during the winter season. Please note, that areas that are heavilly impacted by snow & icy conditions may be a factor in determining your price when you are shipping a vehicle in the winter.
4) Vehicle Status: If your vehicle is inoperable or severely damaged will bring up the cost of your shipment due to special equipment being needed. Vehicles are usually driven right onto the carrier and taken off the same way. If special equipment such as a winch cable or flatbed is needed to load and unload your car, expect to see an increase in your price.
5) Equipment Type: The most common method of shipping a vehicle is on an open carrier trailer. There are some instances where you might decide to use an enclosed trailer. Enclosed trailers protect your vehicle from natures elements as well as any rocks or dirt that might kick up during transport. Expect to pay anywhere between 60-100% more when you ship via enclosed trailer. Enclosed trailers also hold less vehicles than a standard open carrier and will absolutely reflect in your price.
6) Route: While you are able to ship your car anywhere door-to-door, it is usually more expensive shipping to less populated areas rather than a major city or metropolitan. When a driver has to go out of his usualy direction or line, it will reflect in the price. Shipping to a major metropolitan is more "mainstream" so to speak and much easier on the driver and equipment and typically ends up being less. This is not to say that you cannot have your car picked up from a rural area. It just may reflect on price.
When you are shipping a vehicle, it is important to know that there are many factors that go into quoting your shipment. A good rule of thumb is to know you will be spending anywhere between $0.60-$2.10/mile.
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