Mercury - 5 Star Customer Service

Nick Submitted this review about Mercury Auto Transport
Review made Live: 12/8/2010 6:18:00 PM
While searching for transporters I was very lucky to find Mercury Auto Transport. Their representatives provide high quality customer service and reliable drivers. With dealing with cars or trucks of any sort Mercury has provided me with reliable transportation for a very affordable price! Whether dropping of a car at their location or having a car picked up at home I have nothing but good things to say. Before each pickup Mercury provided me with accurate pickup/delivery dates as well as contact information for the transport driver. Being able to have clear, friendly communicate with the representatives at Mercury and the transport drivers has created a great experience which I highly recommend to any transporting automobiles. I will continue to do business with Mercury Auto Transport as I am extremely happy with the affordable prices(range from 300-500 depending on vehicle) and 5 Star customer service.