Hi Mike, I am still out here alerting people that you are a very dishonest broker.
I can't speak for everyone else who has used this broker, but based on my experience I would NOT consider using Mayflower Express Direct Auto Transport. I asked for an official quote at least four times and was told I would get one, but never did (problem #1). Although they charged my credit card, implying they could do the job, I was constantly told that it was impossible to get my car shipped from CT to ID. So I went through the trouble of moving my car from CT to NJ to make the broker's life easier, spending an additional $400 (problem #2). At this point I should have cut my loses and went with someone who could have completed the move from CT. I tried to get my money back, but when I asked for a refund I was told that my car was being dispatched. Okay, so I went with the process and gave the broker the benefit of the doubt. When my car was actually picked up in NJ it turns out that the broker changed my address to one in Salt Lake City; however, I live in Twin Falls, Idaho (problem #3). So as you can imagine I was very upset and the driver (Patrick of Plycar LLC) of the auto transport was not happy as well. I suspect this was some type of trick used by the broker to get the car dispatched. The price on the bill of lading was also changed to $1500, although it was supposed to be $1150 after the $300 broker fee was claimed (problem #4). Anyhow, if it were not for the good graces of Plycar, I would have never received my car. Plycar is awesome, as well as their knowledgeable and friendly driver Patrick. Thank you again Plycar.
LATEST SAGA: Mike of Mayflower Express tried to have my posting removed, claiming that I was never a customer of theirs. I guess he somehow forgot that they charged $300 to my credit card. I tried to dispute the charge with Visa since I believe they should never be paid for such poor and incomplete service. It turns out that I was a customer after all, as he did not want to lose his broker fee. SO NOW YOU KNOW THAT THIS COMPANY CANNOT BE TRUSTED WITH YOUR VEHICLES.
It gets even better, because during the Visa dispute I saw the documents that Mayflower Express provided to Visa. It turns out that they altered the agreement by changing the pickup and delivery cities. Very interesting, as I never signed this agreement, but it has my electronic signature.
So, all done and said, I spent $2200 to move my car, not $1450 as originally quoted. I will continue on with this process until I am refunded $750 by Mayflower Express.