What number is worse than 0?

Terry Submitted this review about M&E Auto Transport
Review made Live: 6/29/2005 12:36:00 AM
Just got in touch with M & E today. Basically, they hung up on me. They should be given an award for having the most skrewed up system for transporting vehicles. I called the police in the town where they picked up my car, and reported it missing. Well, needless to say Ed, Robert, Steven, Fred (probably the same person) was PISSED. Threatened that if I called one more time about my car, he wouldn't be so nice. Does this mean my car disappears and is never seen again? Sounds like a threat to me. I reported these guys to the BBB, California Attorney General's office for Consumer Affairs, and reported to my insurance company that my vehicle was stolen. I filed a missing vehicle report with the police department of the town where I shipped my vehicle. They tell me again "tomorrow". The driver "speaking broken English" wants to know if I have the money due him. I guess he isn't familar with his company's policy. Its called COD.
Most likely I'll have to take these guys to court. M& E WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND.