Company Response
Terry Williams from
Magic Carpet Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 2/6/2009 6:21:00 PM
This customer is absolutely not telling the truth. We had a carrier lined up Thursday to pick her vehicle up and SHE canceled it on a whim. Clients have to understand this isn't like buying a loaf of bread off the shelf. It is a very speculative business, trucks are hard to get lined up and to have a client cancel it because it doesn't fit into her schedule is ridiculos. In our terms and conditions it clearly states that there is a $75 cancel fee and we didn't charge this client, however we are considering it.
Then after SHE cancels the load she expects us to find her another one the next day. Trust me, trucks are not waiting in a parking lot to come and pick your car up. Getting a load assigned is like putting a piece into a moving puzzle.
And she forgot to point out that she didn't pay us a dime for what we did.... not one red cent. We would have settled for a polite thanks for trying.
We try to please all of our customers, however there is a very small segment of the client base that is just unreasonable and you can't please. Then there are clients like Marisa that are so far off base that they just have expectations that are unrealistic. I would suugest to Marrisa and her husband that they read our terms and conditions, it might clear up a lot of the obvious confusion