MR. Sing
Submitted this review about Luxury Auto Transport Review made Live: 2/25/2010 3:34:00 PM
All I can say is this company is a scam. Their website says they are out of Florida, but they dont even exist. The address they use is a Dental office in Doral Florida. The will ask for a deposit before they even find a carrier, which is not common, why ask for a deposit before you get service and a driver. Leave this site alone. LUXAUTOTRANSPORT.COM. I have already contacted law enforcement and an attorney to see if I can file a civil lawsuit against the names of individuals claiming to be manager/owner. As soon as I get more infomation from my attorney on the proceeding and finding. I will post more. STAY AWAY FROM THIS FAKE WEBSITE/COMPANY THEY ARE CON-ARTIST
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Raphael Pavo, Marvin Lico, Mark Esteward, and Mari
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