Scam one world for this company

Long Luu Submitted this review about K&R Express Inc.
Review made Live: 7/3/2013 8:58:00 PM
Good talk but all lie this how this broker said to order been done with deposit $125 of 1025 total cost at 06/18/13 pick up date set for 06/29/13.when u deposit this is the hard to look for them,they said carrier will call 3 days comfirm, one day a head,3 hours before pick sound good right but no one call after 3 days,i call back meet tonny he said 1 day after that no one call,so at the time i can tell something happing untill the day pick up no one call on 06/29, afternoon i got call back they said shippment been change to 06/30 but in a week they just dont do anything because the got my money already,so i got trap by this broker, so of course i want money back.the manarger said cant he aldready book but 06/30 not 06/29 so that mean when i call and yeld at them they start to do something but off course i dont want to do with them anymore they my let me wait for other week..this is funny thing right here, if i want the refund just only 50% so all yo see this scam is right here. That why i siad above this K&R Express Inc is a Scam..they been rating F in BBB and i aldready report them too..but i dont think i will acept to lose 125 deposit, i will continue to fight untill my money back if u still dont refund full amount, i will claim this case to the city Miami of Florida State.