Submitted this review about KRM Auto Transport Inc. Review made Live: 1/27/2014 10:33:00 PM
So, my experience with shipping a car was a complete disaster, until of course I went with KRM. I briefly talked to Jody and he was really informative and kind of told me the run down of what I could expect (lots of calls, etc), and I was really surprised in the honesty in every response that he had given me. Long story short, there was a gazillion errors on behalf of the dealership, and partly my fault as well, but I had contacted KRM again (since he had been following up luckily), and he really went to bat for me amd made this crazy process so much easier, not once, but multiple times! it was such a mess, but he went above and beyond what I would have expected anyone to do. Theres not a lot of companies who genuinely care about their customers, and if I had a fleet of cars to ship on a daily basis, I wouldn't trust anyone else!
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