Con Artists

Lisa Submitted this review about Hurst Auto Transport
Review made Live: 1/26/2006 7:48:00 PM
My husbands company transported a car for Hurst for one of thier customers back in the middle of August. I have no idea what they charged the customer but once the vehicle was delived, we were suppose to recieve $775, onced invoiced. I have been chasing this money since September and have been given the run around for the past 6 months. I recieved an email from Shannon in their accounting dept. on 12/9/05, informing me that our check would be mailed out no later than 12/20/05. Well, once New Years came along, and nobody returned my emails or phone calls, I knew that they had gone out of business.

Thanks to those who gave the info on how to get your mone. I will not give up until we get paid...good luck to the rest of you