Horseless Carriage

Mark Warmann Submitted this review about Horseless Carriage Carriers Inc.
Review made Live: 11/8/2007 2:24:00 PM
I had seen Horseless Carriage ads in many old car publications over the years, but had never had a need to use them. However, when I recently moved, I needed help moving one of my vehicles. I found the company and representatives Extremely PROFESSIONAL and honest. The quote they gave me was exactly what I paid, nothing more/less. The driver of the truck called the day before the expected pickup and delivery letting me know the approximate time he would arrive and that he would confirm as he got closer to the pickup/drop off point.

The truck/enclosed trailer was impressive! It was spotless and immaculate. The driver was friendly and extremely knowledgable. There were other vehicles on the truck with mine, however there was no issue nor possibility of any issue as the all vehicles were more than adequately locked down with in their own buffer zone.

I would recommend Horseless Carriage again in a minute and am very pleased with the company, the driver and their process.