Horseless Carriage

J. Levkoff Submitted this review about Horseless Carriage Carriers Inc.
Review made Live: 10/27/2007 6:54:00 PM
I have used Horseless carriage a total of three times in the past 10 years, all with enclosed carriage. The service, timeliness, and customer service were exceptional in every instance. They worked with us on preferred dates and were on the mark each time with pick-up and delivery. Both the home office and the individual drivers kept us apprised of the status every step of the way. The last two trips involved an exotic car and the handling of this care was top shelf. Not a scratch on it with no worries whatsoever. Given this XXXand the less than perfect handling I had using brokered services XXXI would use Horseless Carriage for all my car shipping needs in the future. I also recommend their service without hesitation to anyone who asks who I use. You can definitely call me a satisfied and loyal customer.