
DAVE L Submitted this review about Honest Auto Movers
Review made Live: 10/29/2013 7:37:00 AM
could not have gone better, picked up on exact day needed and arrived in 3 days, car and convertible top in perfect shape, took care to unload, great driver, price 100 under estimate

Company Response
Capt Mark from Honest Auto Movers Submitted this response.
Response Date: 10/29/2013 9:42:00 AM
Thanks Dave! Houston, TX to SE FL is a very popular route with trucks leaving more than twice daily. Simply get the list of everyone else who have already placed your order. Scroll down that list until you see the folks that should have already been on truck along your route. Add $1.00 to those "Leave-Behind" prices and you get exactly what you want, when you want it. It is funny how you received all those guarantees from the other companies as if they can predict who is going to offer what money after you place your order. They only guarantee I can offer is that 20% of the people on the list of offers are savvy. They will add $1.00 to your offer and if just enough people do that, you will miss the next truck. We never allow that to happen because we simply always pay attention.