Submitted this review about Hilton Auto Transport Review made Live: 10/24/2012 6:20:00 PM
My husband and I shipped our daughter her car from Florida to California. This was the first time I had ever shipped across the country. I was very hesistant to do so. We received a very fair quote from Hilton Auto Transport. My husband called another company to compare. The other Co. seemed soo sketchy that we definately decided to go with Nicole's quote at Hilton Auto Trans. We gave her the go ahead Monday late afternoon, by Tuesday morning she had our driver and the vehicle was picked up that same afternoon-On time:) Driver was very nice and knowledgeable! Estimated delivery date was Tues/Wed. Our daughters car was delivered yesterday, Tuesday, in perfect shape,on time with NO problems whatsoever! We would DEFINATELY recommend this company and use them again FOR SURE! Also, the quote we received from other Co. changed as soon as we called them. And they couldn't give us an accurate figure$ or timeline of pick-up and/or delivery. Nicole's quote NEVER changed:))
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