Easy Shipment

Mark Submitted this review about Heartland Trucking
Review made Live: 10/28/2013 9:34:00 PM
I contacted John after receiving a high volume of calls in response to a simple quote request. John left a particularly unique voicemail and I felt I owed him at least a conversation. I found John Anthony to be quite confident in his ability to deliver my truck and contracted Heartland's services. The truck arrived a day earlier than expected and it came as a wonderful surprise. I highly recommended this company to others in need of a hassle free shipment. Thank you.

Company Response
Heartland Trucking from Heartland Trucking Submitted this response.
Response Date: 10/29/2013 1:26:00 PM
Mark, we appreciate the time you have taken to review our company. I do recall your particular order and the conversations that took place; I am very glad you chose our group since we did strictly intend on doing right by you. I understand the confusion that arises after many companies call at once, and due to my understanding, I always proceed with a unique touch of finesse and utmost priority. We are always here and more than ready to take on any job, no matter the complexity! Next time, call us toll-free at 888-252-9595 or, as always, you can always contact me directly at 305-728-4659. Thank you Mark! Have a wonderful week and joyous Holidays! Most Sincerely, John Anthony Heartland Trucking LLC 305-728-4659 JAnthony@Heartland-Trucking.com www.Heartland-Trucking.com