Auto Transport

Paul Raab Submitted this review about From Here To There Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/12/2012 10:03:00 AM
Having a car transported can be a stressful nightmare ? So if you want to spare yourself all the hassle call Rick Borman at From Here to There Auto Transport. I found him and his company to be excellent .Great communication, excellent customer service and was always available for questions via e mail or phone. I had a classic VW brought down from S. Dakota to Florida It was the only co. that could get the job done in a timely manner at the best price and promise enclosed transport. Rick Borman is the only guy to talk to if you want a positive transport experience. Call him, you will not be disappointed I know he exeeded my expectations.I am very appreciative to Rick Borman- From Here to There Auto Transport- and Larry Dobbs -Classic Cruizers Car Hauler- Both did a an incredible job!! Highly Recommend to anyone needing to transport a vehicle and needs to have it delivered on time and at a price no one else could duplicate!