stolen property & damage to vehicle

Dan Submitted this review about Exotic Carriers
Review made Live: 12/22/2010 10:25:00 AM
What a dismal experience. Actually had the police at my house when driver refused to let me indicate problems on receipt. Thief at Exotic stole glass T tops for 78 Vette,damaged front seat,illegally drove car using 1/4 tank of gas & borke psgr side window function. Worse was the clown Mike answering phone at Exotic, refusing to give name of owner or address of business. These jokers couldn't even find my house as they listed the wrong municipality on their bill of lading. These cowards aren't even brave enough to list their address on their paperwork as I'm sure they are trying to avoid legal service. At a cost of $890.00 this was a complete rip off. At one point I was told my car was in Tenn. which is well south from Calif. to NY. Two hours later I hear from thedriver that he is in Bklyn. NY.

Please for your own sake & the sake of your property DO NOT allow yourself to be a victim of these thieves. No one will take responsibilt! Mike likes to use the attack of blaming the victim. Coward wouldn't even tell me his full name.