Submitted this review about
Exclusive Auto Carriers
Review made Live: 2/7/2014 4:16:00 PM
Exclusive Auto Carriers tried to block this review from becoming public-they had it temporarily removed claiming I wasn't their customer. This is something I am reading in several NEG reviews. You can easily locate their neg reviews on several sites, I will name a few here. But plz do your homework before u hire them. Check out Yelp, Ripoff Reports, Transport Reviews, In Review-Transport Scams. Orange Global Logistics in Ca is such a better option if you don't want to go through what everyone that reports negs seemingly has.
Their first misstep-Andy promised a delivery date of 02/03/14. They failed to meet that pick up date and "no-showed". It was booked a week in advance and I lost a week of time behind their delay. Subsequently this inconvenienced my seller as she waited for them for two days.Then notified me they were a no show. Andy called me the day after they were due to show with an excuse-suddenly claiming that the trucker that was originally assigned the job, last minute declined to do it.
He gave me a later future pick up date of next Saturday Feb 8th, 2014 and claimed he and his owner worked so hard to get a trucker for this job. Frustrated with their excuses I checked out another company. After doing this Andy called me back and claimed that by me doing this, claimed I was being deceptive with him because I shopped around. He claimed I was bididng against myself as they all use the same dispatch board.
Curiously, he said he could have saved me a lot of $$ had I not done this. I did not believe this whatsoever as nothing else he had asserted I found to be true. Sincerely, my take was he was attempting to discourage potential customers from taking their time, shopping around and finding the most reputable companies. ***Remember*** IF A company pushes salesman style pressure on you or otherwise tries to force you into hurrying you along-take heed because that will never be in your best interest! Do not rush just to get it done, you will regret it. So slow it down and save yourself $$ and aggravation.
Second misstep- This time, I believed he attempted to bully me into putting my credit card down as deposit for $150.00. (Andy Samartino promised me was this would not be charged until vehicle was picked up by the driver. ) They wrongfully charged it without my consent on Feb. 4th. It was not authorized for them to do this at that time.
Third misstep-Got home reviewed Andy's email with a revised invoice and once again he changed up the terms. This time he jacked up the invoice amount. We never agreed on this amount and yet this company wrongfully charged my credit card although I was unaware they even had changed the pricing. Once I reviewed the invoice and was made aware, I never agreed to their adjusted rate.
4th misstep- I immediately emailed Andy and canceled my order-I informed them well in advance that I do NOT want them to pick up my vehicle, I am not doing business with them-I will use another company that can be trusted.
He called and left a voicemail and an email admitting they were at fault and of course offered his usual pattern of excuses and more excuses...when I rejected their services and insisted that I still would not be using their company I was going to go through another they sent me a very nasty email threatening me. He forced me to personally call the owner of the trucking company to cancel their pick up of my vehicle which I did.The trucking company was in disbelief that I was forced to contact him. The driver was very nice and quickly emailed to confirm cancelation of my pickup. This is relevant and you will see why when u read the email Andy sent to me.
I want all the public to see just how unprofessional this company was with me. I am copying and pasting their email to me. I do see they have some good reviews-all I can ask you is Will you be one of the ones satisfied or will you be one of the many that are not treated well? Do u really want to take that gamble?
Orange Global Logistics is a much better company-check out their stellar reviews. They have a 5 star rating and no complaints that I saw. They only require a 40 dollar deposit as opposed to this company's $150.00. Orange Global Logistics also charges you when they tell u they will and NOT before. This made me very relieved. Orange Global Logistics is easy to contact too, you can reach them online, by phone, by fax etc...try reaching Elusive, whoops I meant Exclusive Auto Carrier by phone you will get voicemail and no call back. You will not get a fax number and won't find one anywhere, in fact, you will only get to speak with the broker who contacted u on your iphone or celly.
Orange promptly and I mean promptly sent me a quote, a quote that was accurate first time around, not a bait and switch quote to hook you only to jack up later. They only accepted/ charged the deposit when they said they would and it was set for pickup quick.They also provide you with a contract in writing and followed up with a courtesy call once your vehicle was set to be picked up. So far I am extremely pleased with Orange.
LADIES take heed before u trust them with your hard earned $$. Please check out this email they sent to me. Gents read all the reviews do your research-they do this to u all az well-it's not just us ladies they do this to. Look at all the names men and women that have been terribly upset and disatisfied with their conduct. Not just their company's way of doing business but actually how they treat customers.
Read on below 2 see the nasty email that Andy Samartino from Exclusive Auto Carriers sent to me. I copied and pasted it here so all can see first hand. Several customer reviews corroborate what I am trying to convey to u all. It isn't just about recruitment of new customers that matters in this tough economy, its retention. Word of mouth is a powerful tool! It looks like this company has only been in business approx 11 months according to records. This is a tough economy, give your business to a company that works just as hard to please the customer that is not satisfied as the one who is. That is the true test of a stellar business that goes above and beyond. Great communication Orange!
6:16 PM (16 hours ago)
to me
You are going into collections as per the owner of Exclusive Auto. You
will personally call the carrier and cancel your transport....If you
do not and they go to the pickup location and there is no vehicle
there then they will put you into collections for $950. You can deal
with the credit bureaus. As far as I am concerned from this point
forward Exclusive Auto has nothing left to say to you. Have a lovely
day Jovani aka drama queen.
Best Regards,
Andy Samartino
Exclusive Auto Carriers