John Morris
Submitted this review about Evergreen Auto Transport Review made Live: 6/8/2011 4:03:00 PM
Tricia was very helpful and cooperative . I specified that I needed vehicle picked up by Friday , June 3 . I was offered early pick up on Friday , May 27 , for $100. extra , and I declined . Vehicle was picked up at quoted price on Saturday , May 28 , 6 days before my cutoff . I was very happy with this , as it relieved me of storing and being responsible for car. It was dropped in New York Friday , June 3 . 6 days to New York was much faster than the 2 weeks I had accepted . The car was actually delivered on the last day I could accept for pickup ! This prompt and efficient service relieved me of much anxiety , and I will definitely call Evergreen The next time I need a car delivered . No problems , very easy , very efficient. Much less expense at $803. than it would have cost me to drive it and return home , not to mention the value of my time. I was told that I needed to fill out this review to get the $50. rebate I originally was promised . I think that is more than fair for about 15 minutes of my time .
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New York
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