1250 N. Lakeview Ave Suite #D
Anaheim CA, 92807

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State 2 State Auto Transport

QUser Question

Can I ship more than one vehicle?

Would I be able to ship more than 1 vehicle at a time? Can shipping multiple vehicles qualify me for any discounts or provide me with any benefits?


Discounts available when shipping 2 or more cars at once. Ask ahead for best prices when calling around.

Often when a client is moving cross country they may have 2 or more vehicles that need transport.  When asking for a quote the price is determined by vehicles, condition, and routes.  In many cases have two cars shipped qualifies for a discount price from $50 to several hundred dollars.  We make it as easy car shipping as possible, shipping two for the client is convenient as you will  have only 1 pick up meeting and 1 drop off meeting with carrier.  Another benefit is that the cars is covered by the same carrier insurance in the rare event of damages filing a claim to insurance. You deserve the best value so sure to ask fo additional saving options such as military discount or paying cash discount.

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posted on 3/27/2019 5:41:12 PM

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