1250 N. Lakeview Ave Suite #D
Anaheim CA, 92807

Other companies that have used or are using this MC number.
State 2 State Auto Transport

QUser Question

Is my car insured while it being shipped?

Do I have to provide insurance or is it insured by your company?


Read your contract Terms and Condition Policy on Insurance coverage, not all are the same!

Always check the Terms and Condition with the Broker you've narrowed your search down to:

There are different variations of coverages offered, we recommand to have your contract read: "vehicles are fully insured from pickup to drop-off by the Carrier’s cargo insurance, with a ZERO DEDUCTIBLE for you as the vehicle owner. Reputable Brokers will ensure the Carrier has the full amount of appropriate coverage for your vehicle, as part of our service to you. The only limitation on insurance relates to “Acts of God” -- such as hail, tornado or earthquake, in which case coverage would revert to the owner’s vehicle insurance.

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posted on 10/4/2018 9:49:17 PM

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