860 Boardman-Canfield Rd
Boardman OH, 44512
How do I get my vehicle ready to move?
The cleaner the exterior of your car is, the easier it is to notice any preexisting scratches or dents at pickup. If there are any attachments on your vehicle, such as luggage or bike racks, remove them before pickup. It's also a good idea to cover your driver's side floor mat and seat to prevent any dirt from being transferred to your car in the event that the driver needs to move the car during pickup or delivery, which is likely. You should also remove or disable any security devices or automatic toll devices, and they can cause issues during transport.
vehice should be clear fo any belongings and valuables (uness otherwise specified and arrainged). For international moves the vehicle must not have anymore than a 1/4 tank of fuel. The vehicle is not required to be registered or insured when beng shipped as it falls under the carrier's registration and insurance banket.
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