Thank you alot

Thabo Jones Submitted this review about Door to Door Transport
Review made Live: 8/13/2009 7:54:00 PM
There was some small amount of worry when a shipper wasn't able to be located on the day that was promised but when I dug deep into my own calm and pulled out that content patient part of myself, everything was okay.

I even considered switching shipping companies, at one point, but after calling another shipper for a qoute, theirs was lower but Door to Dorr's was affordable and realistic. My 1971 Plymouth Gran Fury arrived on August 11th, 2009 ; Just as promised at the perfect time of the day for my busy schedule.

What a beautiful car!.... Thanx Randy (the seller) and thank you Door to Door for making it all possible. I will choose your company for my next move coming up in late October - early November from Arizona to Michigan.

Keep up the good work and reasonable prices.