Submitted this review about Dolphin Auto Transport Review made Live: 11/26/2013 6:20:00 PM
Purchased a car on 11/6 and got a low low quote from Dolphin. Got through to them without a problem and was receiving emails that a "truck was in the area". Should have done some research. Two weeks later I have not gotten a call or email after giving them my Credit card for the $150 deposit. This week I cannot even get through on the phone, sparatic busy signal or call cannot be connected. I called and had to dispute the charge and then book another company. My only hope is that because there number seems to be out of service now that they have closed up shop and no one else will need to deal with this. Im going back to a BBB accredited transport company I had used before that delivered on time and without issues, even if they were $100 more.
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