At the beginning I had never used an car delivery my girlfriend Sheba bracy had used the service intge past.being jyst a little nervous I decided to give it a chance.I gave them the inital call and the rest of the situation was waiting patiently for the delivery people to let me lnow when they would be able to pick the car the beginning of the week I notified the auto shop that the car was. Going to be picked up by an auto transport which they were okay with.they were happy that the car was being picked up due to the village of Waterford wanted all their vechiles removed from their outside lot.Once the vechile was picked up the travel to Chicago wasnt met with any unforseen situations.After arriving in Chicago the car had to be pushed off stony island to my home that was only a block away.Being not able to start was a minor technicality.All in all the situation turned out well.I am pleased that every thing tirned out well......
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