the lies continue at DAS from ann hampton

lorne Submitted this review about Dependable Auto Shippers
Review made Live: 2/21/2009 3:52:00 PM
after much trouble i got my credit card company to charge back the money that das ripped me off BUT then allong comes Ann Hampton with a new batch of lies so here we go again . what Das does not relize is that i will never quit trying to get things made right and i will never stop trying to warn the good people of this and many other web sites about the underhanded and disgusting way DAS does business. i will fight tis all the way because if you look at their rating of 40 percent i am not the only one they have ripped off.all they had to do in the first place was refund my money and it would have ended there. what they did was offer me a 20 dollar gas card you can e-mail me at and i can give you the proof of what i am saying