Submitted this review about Dependable Auto Shippers Review made Live: 10/10/2011 7:46:00 AM
Ok so they were the best as far as honesty and actually taking my car. I had a huge problem with AAA auto transport(not actually AAA). DAS in AZ where I dropped my car off(not called DAS, just the site I dropped it) was extremely polite and helpful. He gave me an estimate when it would be picked up and dropped off and gave me the phone numbers i needed to contact NJ. I called the NJ office for DAS the day before it was to arrive, they told me, i dont know call back tomorrow if thats when it's supposed to be here. So I did. They said, uhhhhhh no, it should be here tomorrow. (they didnt put me on hold, they seemed to just guess) I didnt mind it wasnt there yet, i was told it might take an extra few days. No big deal. So i call the next day, was told, uhhhhh I dont think its here call tomorrow. Thats when i got mad and said, can you check or call someone to find out? She got mad at me and said YEA HOLD ON!... after about 10 minutes of holding... Yeah! its here, its been here for FOUR days, when you getting it? FOURRRR DAYSS!?!?!?!? REALLY??? DO YOUR JOB THE FIRST TIME. lazy. THEN when i got to the office, the chick left her little office area as soon as i walked in(they were closing in 10 minutes) and walked outside to smoke. So i just stared at her awkwardly until she finished. She seemed like the same girl on the phone from the previous day. She gave me an attitude and simply said, "Scion?" Me: "yup" Her: "K (turns to use the phone) Thats gunna be XXX.XX dollars paid in full now. (If i wasnt a gentleman i would have let her have it) Your car will be out there in a little bit bye. A little bit? really? thanks chick. The guy who drove out my car on the other hand was super nice. So, I cant give them a bad review for one REAAALLLLLYYYY bad employee. BUT it did leave me with a bitter taste when i hear or see the name DAS... All i see and hear is that damn girl.
No order ID because this happened about 6 months ago.
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I dont remember it was too long ago
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