Had a wonderful experience

Ellen Submitted this review about Dependable Auto Movers
Review made Live: 10/2/2007 10:55:00 AM
Car was picked up the first day I made it available, and the driver made specific arrangements to deliver the car on the day I wanted it, not a day before or after which would have been within his rights. I probably could have had the car sooner, but I was en route to Atlanta in a moving truck so they waited on me to get there before delivering.

Both gentlemen I worked with were very friendly and courteous, and I felt safe leaving my car with them. I had to meet the driver at WalMart as he could not drive the large trailer up my street, and he was nice enough to run me back home in it so I didn't have to try to find someone to do it.

The driver that delivered my car was very nice and tried to refuse the tip I gave him, which I made him take, given the service was much better than I expected it would be. He called me the day before to ask what time would be most convenient for me, to have the car delivered. I appreciated both his proactiveness and flexibility. I would definitely use this company in the future and recommend them to anyone.

*Prepare yourself that your car will be dirty when it is dropped off. This is to be expected given it's been on a truck on the highway. I was prepared for this so it was not a big deal.