As a first-time customer as I had never transported a vehicle before, I thought that DASH did a good job of explaining what was involved and how they operated. My agent at DASH was very knowledgeable and helpful. The only part of the process that was not perfect was the shipper or driver. His English was not that good and it also seemed his sense of directions were lacking. He called the day of pickup at 6am saying he was aboutt an hour away but then he didn't reach the house until noon. When he delivered the car in Arizona he called probably 5-6 times asking for directions. At one point he took the wrong highway to reach us even though I told him which highway to take.
In the end he unloaded the car after 10pm at night which wasn't ideal because I couldn't really see if there was any damage to the car in the dark. It turned out that there wasn't but it would have been better to have a day delivery.
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